Wubi on Max OS 10.9

五笔输入法 on Macbook Pro

Macbook上的中文输入法现在主流是搜狗拼音,我也尝试安装使用了,果然是老牌子的输入法,界面很漂亮也准确度也很高。个人感觉比系统自带的好很多了,可以使用shift来切换中英文,可以使用, and .来翻页。

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Learn someting about GTD in detail

Getting Things Done (1)




  • Collect 收集
  • Process 信息处理
  • Organize 行动组织和整理
  • Review 通过回顾确定下一步行动方案
  • DO 行动

我们对工作的流程管理包括这5个阶段,并且管理的效果通常取决于这5个环节中最薄弱的一环。因此,只有将所有的环节紧密结合,并且按照统一的标准加以管理,才能保证最终的工作效果。 David认为把这5个步骤分开来做会得到更好的效果。许多人无法把工作安排的井井有条,主要原因是他们试图一口气完成这5个阶段的工作。一些即将要处理的事情,一旦制定好行动方案后就要及时的清理出你的大脑,否则这件事情会时刻消磨你的精力阻碍你集中精力思考那些真正重要的事情。

1. 收集 Collect




  1. 每一件“悬而未决”的事情都必须存储在你的收集系统中,而不是你的大脑里。
  2. 控制收集工具的数量,越少越好。
  3. 你必须定期清空这些设备。


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Batch download pictures from a floder


Today I found a little trick to retrieve all the pictures from a folder, where the pictures locate in many sub-folders. Usually, I use Windows find tools to file the specific suffix of an image, and then move them to a single folder. But this is somewhat complex for a folder containing a lot of types images. Occasionally, I found the software FastStone Image Viewer has a feature of Download Photos in the File menu. So I try to give it a folder path, it can search for all the image formats and download them to a destination location set by you. Job is done!

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Region Operations in Emacs

Region operations here as a reminder

I access an editor on several functions:

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Maths in Octopress


I need to show some mathematical expressions in my blog, LaTex is perfect and the styles are rich while a little hard to use. So how to get LaTeX‘s maths integrated into Octopress is necessary for me. I mainly referred to the blog.


I need to preview each post at local, so I installed kramdown first.

gem install kramdown

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Watched Movies List


When I clean up my working computer, I found that there are so so many files to deal with: documents, audios, videos, tutorials, entertainments, etc. I need to archive all of them, here is my method:

  • Clear a partition on the disk
  • Create some basic folders according to your understand of the OS and your life
  • Put whatever meeting the rules in your mind, just move (copy) to the new folders created above
  • Make a list of the important files, for instance your papers and the projects
  • Use some version control tools to manage the very important things to you, such as SVN or GitHube
  • That’s all

In additionally, I want to get tracked of the watched movies or videos in a list, so I sent this new post.Maybe something else will also be gotten tracked here.

I think maybe someday I will give them below each a score to denote the value for me, and a short comment.

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start emacs in a UTF-8 environment


The original Emacs in terminal is OK for Chinese input (although I hardly input any Chinese character in a terminal), while it cannot handle switching to Chinese input method in a UI mode. So I googled and found the solution for that.

ps: my Chinese input method is FCITX with Wubi.

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Try to join in GTD with org-mode


Recently, several days have be invested in learning GTD (Get Tings Done) and setting up the org-mode in Emacs.
However, I have not finished reading the two guide books of David Allen: Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress Free Productivity and Ready for Anything - 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life, but I will. The main references are list below:

The famous application of GTD with Emacs is the document Org Mode - Organize Your Life In Plain Text!, so I read it three times but still cannot catch all of them, all of my settings of org-mode are from it.

Principles of GTD

According to some of Chinese blogs as list above, GTD is a system to handle all your things and lead you to get them done one by one. It can record the timing cost of each task, which is helpful for construct the ability of correctly estimating the task duration. As the book’s name indicates STRESS FREE, there must be a flood of things around you and new ideas coming up randomly. From my life experiments, some tedious things can ruin your whole enthusiasm, cause you maybe disturbed or interrupted again and again, leading to a situation where you do not know what you are focus on yourself. GTD can save you from it, and get your things in control. There are five progresses in GTD:

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TL-WR703N with Openwrt patches njit-client


At my campus, the network server center offers us users to use a H3C client to dial to connect to the internet, which can add some limitations for each account. The aim of this scheme is to bind a user with a specific Mac address, so it seems not possible for us to share someone’s account. However, in my lab, we need to make an internet access interface for nearly 30 persons. In the past, I set up a dual network interface cards (NIC) to share the account to a switchboard, which auto dispatch Ips to the client PC. That has been worked good except for the high power consume of the host PC, and once there is any problem with the host, we are all cut off the internet. someday, I saw a blog said OpenWRT can offer some tricks to crack this situation. And I was so exited to buy a new TP-Link WR703N 3G router to have a test. The main reference is the docs on official OpenWrt, where you can find a description of WR703N . I record the crack process as below.

Prepare list

  • TP-Link WR703N (of course the main device)
  • a computer with internet access and have a wifi interface
  • ssh tools (SecureCRT and WinScp for Windows)
  • maybe a USB stick if you want to chroot to expand the storage space

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Explore key-chord mode in Emacs

Default key-chord mode in Prelude

Today I read the source codes of Prelude, except for knowing some new global key bindings, the most interesting one is the key-chord mode. Maybe I came from vi, so the double pressing key is familiar for me. And I enjoy that a lot. So I write down it as a note for its usage. :P
Predlude set key-chord mode enabled by default, of course it can be turned off by:

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Usage of undo-tree in Emacs


I found undo-tree in Emacs .emacs.d folder, and I was confused about it at first. After I Google it and try the commands, I found it an awesome feature to maintain an undo or redo case.
There are five main usage of undo-tree together with prelude Emacs configuration shortcut.

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first sight on Emacs

Use Emacs on my Arch + Awesome


Firstly, I installed Emacs with the command:

pacman -S Emacs

and then [pacman] said to download these package, input Y + Enter, then Emacs will be installed.

resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...

Packages (4): libotf-0.9.13-1  m17n-db-1.6.4-1  m17n-lib-1.6.4-2  Emacs-24.3-4

Total Download Size:    35.59 MiB
Total Installed Size:   97.96 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 

After having Emacs installed, I tried to run it and it comes out like that:

In Emacs’s tutorial the first command to bear in mind is:

C-x C-c

which exit the Emacs window or execution in terminal.

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Archbang with awesome: Installation and configurations


Archbang is a lightweight Linux distribution base on Archlinux, which include a suite of desktop of openbox for basic usage.
I choose to start with Archbang with three reasons:

  • it has the basic openbox desktop, sometime it really save me a lot from a crashed DM;
  • some software are selected and they are also my tastes;
  • of course it is based on Archlinux, which is my favorite baseline by now;
  • you needn’t worry about the hardware stuff (basic drivers).

Awesome is a highly configurable window manager for X. It is said Awesome could be the next generation framework. Anyway, it is fast and extendable, and it’s free!! All these features can easily fulfill a geek’s life style. So I am coming, and here I am.

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Gentoo in VirtualBox

My first try with Gentoo


I have heard about Gentoo for a long time, but it said that to install and configure was too hard for a Linux beginner, especially the complex configurations of the system. From Wiki, I learned that I need to compile all the source code locally according to my settings, that’s cool for sure. So I’d like to firstly install it on my Windows OS within a virtual machine: VirtualBox. My environment is list below:

OS: Windows 7 - 32bits
VirtualBox version: 4.2.18

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Hello Jerry

Everything here is new to me, I am a learner, a geeker, to be a hacker *~*.
It looks a bit strange, but it will be cute in the end.

Hi, I’am Jerry.

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