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Mac OS 软件推荐列表


用 Mac OS X 已经半年多了,总想总结总结,就把我的纠结与不纠结都纠结的写在这里吧,给自己的一个理由,已经折腾过的理由。

Macbook 真的很适合科研和学习使用,至少对于我这样的理工科的很适合。以下的推荐不仅仅是我自己的摸索也参考了诸多网站和大神的列表。国内用的比较多的网站就是 MacGG 了,不要和我说版权问题,相信很多人和我一样,买软件之前先用用 x 版的试用下。

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没有人在一开始就会对某个科研方向感兴趣的,每个人都有一个探索的过程,当然有的「人才」从小就有志向做什么的就排除了。从而,无论大家想在科研的中获得什么 or 为科研贡献什么的时候都需要考虑的一个问题是:我要做什么?

我要做什么 这个问题可能人生于斯世一生要求解的问题之一,但是在科研的道路上这个却是要首先要确定的问题。下面有几个途径可以快速的明确这个问题的答案:

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EBATES is great

I don’t know what support EBATES to offer so much discount for online shopping, but I really get some checks back~ Cool!

Check this:

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Install NCL/NCAR on Mac OS X

The NCAR Command Language (NCL) is the coolest graphics tool I’ve ever seen. NCL has robust file input and output. It can read and write netCDF-3, netCDF-4 classic, netCDF-4, HDF4, binary, and ASCII data. It can read HDF-EOS2, HDF-EOS5, GRIB1, GRIB2, and OGR files. Though I don’t know most of the format above, but I saw its perfect plot on other one’s paper, so I decide to install it on my Macbook with Mac OS X 10.9.4.

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  • 选中要复制的段落

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Application Uninstall

As a newer to Mac OS X, I don’t know how to uninstall a package as I did on the Windows. Someone may tell me to directly delete the app and it will be uninstalled, however, from my experience with Linux distributions, I feel that may not true. So, I did some research and found that there are a lot of methods about how to uninstall an application on Mac OS cleanly.

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  • 原生
  • 百度 and QQ
  • 搜狗
  • 清歌

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AVIRIS Remote Data

Image Cube

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New GTD Theory

The Developing GTD

Recently, David Allen has updated his GTD theory to a new file steps list:

  • Clearing
  • Clarifying
  • Organizing
  • Reflecting
  • Engaging

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Macbook Pro Tips 3

Time Machine

Do you want to risk you data on the whole Macbook hard disk? I
don’t think anyone want that risk. So, it’s sweet that Apple provide
the Time Machine freely, what we need is only an external storage
disk, for example a portable hard drive or a cluster of hard drive. I
bought a 2 Tb West Digital external hard drive for my Mac. Because
it was already formatted for Mac OS, I only plugin it and follow the
instructions of Time Machine and all is done, including the
encryption of the whole disk. The encryption really took a long time,
which is about 20 hours, but that’s all it cost.

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Say Something Good for Aquamacs

It’s unfair

I spent nearly 4 hours to search, setting up, and search and setting
up on Emacs and Aquamacs. That is not something big as I did
before, but today I figure out one thing: You can learn, study, watch
and admire others ways of dealing with something, but never do your
stuff exactly the same with them. What you really need is having
useful tips in mind and working out your own ideas, then implement
them immediately without any hesitation. You may lose, you may succeed
and you will grow up.

I have tried a lot times on Emacs both on my Archlinux and my
Macbook, I even tried to get used to its org-mode to manage my
daily life, but I failed. It is really complex and annoying to setting
everything up to your habit or your perfect mind. After dealing with
the .emacs and .emacs.d files and folders together with many
plugins, I got a workable set of tools to handle various files (mostly
text files). But I always complain Emacs about the slow speed of
and screen flash on starting up, especially using its GUI model. So,
I learned about its daemon-mode, which works well under command line
environment. And, it also works excellent on my Archlinux +
PC. However, the annoying icons on the dock nearly drives me

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Macbook Pro Tip 2

Choose A MindMap Tool

I’ve tried XMind and FreeMind, but I cannot compare these two fairly. As for FreeMind is a free open source software, although XMind also has a free version, yet I even cannot export a PDF version of my mind map for the free version. There is some cracks for XMind, see Do Something and Hacklog, which is hated by the developers of XMind, they even inserted a f__king sentence. Finally, I choose to use FreeMind only for mind mapping. For retina display the suite of icons are not that clear, which is a bit pity hoping it will be updated soon.

Choose A Flow Chart Tool

Yes, XMind can draw some flow chart, considering the export limitation, I replaced it with other software. I list some of them:

  • InkScape: it depends on XQuarz so the UI is bad for a retina display.
  • Dia: it also depends on XQuarz, since it is designed for vectored flow chart, I think it is better that InkScape.
  • LibreOffice: its Drawing tool is good with colors and effects.
  • yEd: it can organize the relations between your items, and also support UML.
    So, I finally choose yEd as my flow chart tool.

Choose A PDF Tool

I need to read some scientific papers and add some notes on the pdf files, I test 4 tools:

  • Preview
  • Skim
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • PDF Reader X

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Macbook Pro Tip 1

Terminal Replacement

As a lot of people recommended, I chose iTerm 2 as my main terminal under OS X. There are 3 features that I care about:

  1. separated windows and tabs: Ctr + D or Ctr + Shift + D will split the window horizontally or vertically, and Ctr + T will create another new tab, and the switch between them is convenient Ctr + [ or ] Ctr + { or } Command + 1, 2, 3, just try that, it is cool.
  2. color scheme setting is easy, and there are solarized color themes for iTerm 2.
  3. toggle full screen by Command + Enter.


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电动理发器: 可以直接推的那种在amazon上买的 $15, 里面还了17种辅助工具,主要是各种尺寸的发梳,可以限制住理发的长度,我只用了0.6cm和2cm的.
梳子: 洗完头,用梳子梳的整齐一点,比较方便理发.我用的梳子就是上面理发器里带的,两头的密度不一样的那种,蛮好用的.
剪刀: 只用于修修边,以及个别地方遗漏的长头发
桌布: 很大的那种防水的,直接铺在地上,接收着所有剃下来的黑发,好多细细碎碎的.
镜子: 其实在理的过程中看不看镜子都可以,一排一排的理就行了,像收割小麦一样,哈哈.

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Setup for A Plain Text Diary Tools


Blog is a public text platform, while Diary is a private
shell, I need both. Last post I took down the settings for an
automatically post and publish blog tools, this time I also set up
an automatic diary tools on OS X or Linux. Since my working
platform changed to OS X, I hope it will also help on a Linux

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quick post and publish scripts for octopress

The old to post on Octopress is slow with much code to input, so I
need quickly to post what I want. I searched on Google and the do
have someone catch the same idea~

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