The Developing GTD

Recently, David Allen has updated his GTD theory to a new file steps list:

  • Clearing
  • Clarifying
  • Organizing
  • Reflecting
  • Engaging

Clearing means

清空杂事:捕捉那些引起我们注意的事情,而且每一件引我们注意的事情,都应该受到足够的关切 —-张永锡

Clearing will empty our brains, and list all the ideas (anything you keep on thinking about) in an in-box.

Clarifying is a process of understand the items in the in-box. And classify each of them into two categories: to-do and others. For every item of to-dos , you need draw a mind-map to see the OUTCOME clearly. Then, several steps will be made into the Next section in GTD system. For the others items, I prefer to put them into the Recycling Bin instead of the detailed Garbage, Reference and Maybe.

Organizing can tag all the things to be done, and will also recognize some Next things. Actually, you need to put all the steps to Next section, except for those can be finished in two minutes. All the two minutes stuff need to be done immediately.

The last two steps is simply reviewing the plans and making new plans and getting them done!
