Terminal Replacement

As a lot of people recommended, I chose iTerm 2 as my main terminal under OS X. There are 3 features that I care about:

  1. separated windows and tabs: Ctr + D or Ctr + Shift + D will split the window horizontally or vertically, and Ctr + T will create another new tab, and the switch between them is convenient Ctr + [ or ] Ctr + { or } Command + 1, 2, 3, just try that, it is cool.
  2. color scheme setting is easy, and there are solarized color themes for iTerm 2.
  3. toggle full screen by Command + Enter.


Firstly, we need to install Emacs, I removed all the original emacs files pre-installed with OS X. And, I didn’t choose the Emacs for Mac binary install package, I preferred to install it from HomeBrew with the command below:

brew install emacs --cocoa --use-git-head --HEAD

It will take about 1 minite to compile from the source code, but I think it will be much stable. I will update my settings to github when I finish the basic setup.