Region operations here as a reminder

I access an editor on several functions:

  1. UTF-8 support;
  2. syntax highlight;
  3. quick navigation;
  4. custom shortcuts;
  5. column selection;
  6. region operation;

While there are several excellent editors, I change to work with Emacs, I am not an infuser for Emacs but I recommend you give it a try. Ok, let’s see how to operate the regions in Emacs flexibly. By default, Emacs can deal with a marked region, which is marked by C-Spacebar or your own shortcut. In that situation, there are two options may be used frequently.

C-c < or >: to move the region left or right
C-x r t: to insert some chars before the region

These two operations are almost enough for daily writing and coding, but sometimes I need to select and change part of the text content. So the cua-mode saved me a lot, M-x and input cua-mode will toggle the cua-mode. With cua-mode on, you are allowed to enter a visible mode to select a column and do some operations. To enable the visible selection, type C-Enter and you can move your cursor to make a selection as you want. This can make a column operation once in a time, so convenient.

And I found a video to illustrate that well. vimeo :D